Which of the following is NOT available with a Text Analytics collection?
A. Search multiple collections.
B. Custom text extraction rules.
C. Deep inspection of analysis results.
D. Custom user dictionaries.
On a distributed server configuration, the master server contains which components?
A. Crawler and indexer.
B. Indexer and document processor.
C. Crawler, document processor, indexer, and search.
D. Crawler, indexer, and search.
Which of the following is TRUE for UIMA?
A. It is an Open standard for implementing custom logic.
B. Different specialized annotators are needed for different use cases.
C. It easily accommodates multiple languages and domains.
D. All of the above.
Which of these annotators come with IBM Content Analytics?
A. Named Entity Recognition annotator.
B. Dictionary Lookup annotator.
C. Pattern Matcher annotator.
D. All of the above.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. It is possible to stop the document processor on the master server to allow more resources be allocated to index building.
B. It is required to reboot the master node server once a new distributed server is installed.
C. It is not possible to install a distributed server capable of processing documents and searching documents.
D. All of the above.
IBM Content Analytics can export which of the following?
A. Document content and metadata after crawling.
B. Document content, metadata, and annotations after text analysis.
C. The search result documents that match a user's query.
D. All of the above.
Which of the following IBM Content Analytics components can be scaled?
A. Indexer.
B. Document parser and analyzer.
C. Search runtime.
D. Both B and C.
Which of the following is the primary use of the Deviations view in Text Miner?
A. Detect cyclic changes over time periods, like months of the year or days of the week.
B. Detect deviations in the correlation values between two facets.
C. Identify unexpected spikes in frequency values.
D. Isolate deviations in facets values from historical values.
Which of the following statements is TRUE for the client browsers?
A. Internet Explorer version 6.0 is supported.
B. Mozilla Firefox versions 3.5 and above are supported.
C. The Java script must be enabled on the browser used for accessing the Text Miner application?
D. Both B and C.
Which source below is NOT supported as a native crawler?
A. DB2.
B. OpenText.
C. IBM Case Manager.
D. MicroSoft Share Point.