Choose the correct answer.
How should a generalization set between Shape (superclass) and subclasses Polygon.
Rectangle and Triangle be marked?
A. {complete, disjoint{
B. {incomplete, disjoint}
C. {complete, overlapping}
D. {incomplete, overlapping{
Choose the correct answer. Given the following diagram:
What is element C?
A. a tag value
B. an association block
C. a connector property
D. a connector illustration
E. a relation information element
Choose the correct answer.
What are streaming parameters?
A. parameters that are mapped to flow ports
B. parameters in which tokens are never buffered
C. parameters through which a continuous stream of tokens pass
D. parameters through which an activity can accept or produce tokens throughout its execution
Choose the correct answer.
Given the following diagram: What is the order of Interactions?
A. Message a1 overtakes message m1, which is processed after receipt of a1.
B. Message a1 overtakes messages m1 and m2 and is processed before them.
C. Message m1 overtakes message a1, which is processed after receipt of m2.
D. Message m1 overtakes messages a1 and m2 and is processed before them.
Choose the correct answer
Different Block kinds are modeled using stereotypes such as «system», «subsystem» or «software»
Where are these stereotypes typically defined?
A. The modeling tool provides the stereotypes
B. The stereotypes are part of the SysML standard
C. Each modeler who writes requirements can define stereotypes
D. A profile that maps modeling methodology concepts to the model defines the stereotypes
Choose the correct answer.
Given the following package diagram depicting profile and model library relationships to a user model.
The User Profile extends SysML with two new stereotypes of Block Hardware and Software. Which bdd fragment is valid, yet does not contain unnecessary or redundant information?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
Assume the block is in A-State when two evCs ate received.
What is a plausible sequence of behaviors that occurs when a subsequent evG occurs?
A. action 1. stop activity X (if running), action 7, action 8, action 5, start activity Y
B. stop activity X (if running), action 8, action 5, start activity Y, action 7
C. stop activity X (if running) action 8, action 5, start activity Y, action 7, action 7
D. stop activity X (if running), action 2, action 8, action 5, start activity Y, action 7, action 7
E. stop activity X (if ninning). action 2, action 8, action 5, start activity Y, action 7, action 7, action 6
Choose the correct answer
In a state machine which behavior can be interrupted by a transition which leaves the current state?
A. a do behavior
B. an entry behavior
C. an exit behavior
D. the effect of an internal transition
Choose the correct answer. Given the following diagram:
Which generalization constraint keywords should be used to specify that: 1- the set of all instances of Car is not fully covered by its three shown subtypes, Small, Medium, and Large, AND 2- an instance of Car is exclusively either Small Medium, or Large
A. (not full, exclusive)
B. (partial, exclusive)
C. {Incomplete, xor)
D. (incomplete disjoint)
E. {subset, disjoint}
Choose the correct answer
How would a modeler refine a use case textual narrative?
A. provide a detailed definition of the use case using a behavioral diagram
B. specify all of the triggers preconditions, and post conditions for the use case
C. specify all extension points for extend use cases and specify all secondary actors
D. provide a complete textual description of the main flow and alternative/exceptional flows for the use case