Your project, which uses prototype.js, contains the JavaScript class Photoviewer (see EXAMPLE, below).
Which one of the following code samples will create a class called AdvancedPhotoViewer that extends
Photoviewe r?
var PhotoViewer = Class.create();
A. var AdvancedPhotoViewer = new PhotoViewer()
B. AdvancedPhotoViewer.prototype = Object.extend (new PhotoViewer ()
C. var AdvancedPhotoViewer = Class.extend (PhotoViewer)
D. AdvancedPhotoViewer = PhotoViewer.extend ()
You want to create a new "screendesign" package based on the "default" package's "default" theme.
Which ONE of the following steps do you have to take?
A. Copy app/design/base to app/design/screendesign
B. Create an empty folder app/design/frontend/screendesign and copy app/design/frontend/default/default into it
C. Create skin/frontend/screendesign, then copy the CSS and images folders and their files from /skin/ frontend/default/default/ to skin/frontend/screendesign/default
D. Inside app/design/frontend and skin/frontend, copy the folder "default" to the folder "custom"; then rename custom/default to custom/screendesign in both places
E. Create app/design/frontend/default/screendesign
The name of a design package in the Design tab of the System->Configuration window in Admin is also used as ________ and ________ . (Choose TWO.)
A. a folder name in app/design/frontend
B. a configuration value taken from index.php
C. a folder name in skin/frontend
D. a setting in the menu System -> Design
E. a folder name in app/design/frontend/base
You have a "custom/default" design package. You need to edit this file:
Which method is a bad practice because the file will be overwritten during Magento upgrades?
A. Edit the "base/default" file directly.
B. Create a new module in "base/default" called "custom" and copy the file there for editing.
C. Create a new package called "custom/custom" and copy the file there for editing.
D. Copy the file to "custom/default" for editing.
Given a configured package "tmypackage" and a configured theme "mytheme", which THREE of the following templates would be part of the design fallback? (Choose THREE.)
A. mypackage/default/template/my/template.phtml
B. base/mytheme/template/my/template.phtml
C. default/default/template/my/template.phtml
D. base/default/template/my/template.phtml
E. default/mytheme/template/my/template.phtml
F. mypackage/mytheme/template/my/template.phtml
Where are the core module translations located?
A. app/code/locale/
B. app/locale/
C. app/design/frontend/default/default/locale/
D. app/etc/modules/locale/
In Magento layouts, which attribute for
A. As
B. Action
C. Type
D. Name
In layout XML, which of the following action methods would you use to define the block identifier on a block of type cms/block?
Using Magentos JavaScript translator object, which is the correct option for translating JavaScript strings within a.phtml file?
A. Translator.newTranslation({"To be translated":"Translated Copy Here"});
B. Translator.add("To be translated");
C. Translate({"To be translated","__(`To be translated'); ?>"});
D. Translator-add({"To be translated":"_('To be translated'); ? >"});
Which two of the following examples can be used to include a custom JavaScript on every page? (Choose TWO.)
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E