Your project, which uses prototype.js, contains the JavaScript class Photoviewer (see EXAMPLE, below).
Which one of the following code samples will create a class called AdvancedPhotoViewer that extends
Photoviewe r?
var PhotoViewer = Class.create();
A. var AdvancedPhotoViewer = new PhotoViewer()
B. AdvancedPhotoViewer.prototype = Object.extend (new PhotoViewer ()
C. var AdvancedPhotoViewer = Class.extend (PhotoViewer)
D. AdvancedPhotoViewer = PhotoViewer.extend ()
Which four of the following page elements can be updated from the Magento Admin in System-> Configuration-> Design? (Choose FOUR.)
A. Breadcrumb Separator
B. Copyright
C. Favicon
D. Logo
E. Navigation
F. Page Title
G. Top Links
Based on the code below, what color will a browser display in rendering the text inside the div tag?
A. green
B. blue
C. red
D. black
What is the function of the attribute output= "to Html" when applied to a
A. Renders a block without any other explicit calls
B. Specifies the sequence of blocks on the page
C. Marks a block as a structural block
D. Marks a block as a content block
A website contains the three store views "English", "French", and "German", with the following settings configured:
The template file template/page/lcolumn.phtml exists within the following frontend themes:
A. base/default
B. default/default
C. package1/default
D. package1/theme1
E. package1/theme2
F. package1/theme3
Which two of the following code samples contain correct XML code for adding style.css to a page? (Choose TWO.)
You want to override the lcolumn.phtml file. Which two of the following methods could you use? (Choose TWO.)
A. Rename the file in base/default to enable overriding.
B. Rename the root template configuration in the admin.
C. Create a file with same file name in the same directory structure as your theme.
D. Create a file exception in System -> Design, clear cache, and rebuild indexes.
E. Create a file with different file name and different directory structure; then change the template with the setTemplate method.
Which two of the following examples can be used to include a custom JavaScript on every page? (Choose TWO.)
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
If you open an HTML document with the following code sample in the browser, what will you see in the text
of the two Alerts in the browser?
A. "1" and "1"
B. "2" and "2"
C. "1" and "Undefined"
D. "2" and "false"
E. "false" and "false"
F. "Undefined" and "Undefined"
In order to display a custom design on a category landing page for a set number of days, you need to make a change to the ___ area of Magento.
B. Admin Panel
D. Block