Which of the following block methods is the best to override when there is a need to customize how the block's html is rendered?
A. _toHtml()
B. toHtmlO
C. setLayout ()
D. renderLayout ()
In which of the following integrations should you use the Magento API?
A. to send a SOAP request from Magento to a third-party system
B. to receive a SOAP request from a third-party system to Magento
C. to send or receive SOAP requests in Magento
D. to provide tracking on the order success page
Which two of the following parameters are necessary to define a usable massaction item? (Choose two)
A. label
B. value
C. additional
D. url
E. confirm
Which table is used for calculating a new increment ID for an order?
A. sales_flat_order_increment
B. eav_entity_store
C. core_increment
D. core_config_data
Which one of the following class types directly charges a credit card when you capture an invoice in Magento admin?
A. order
B. payment
C. invoice
D. payment_method
Which of the following items is NOT utilized in Magentos implementation of EAV-based data models?
A. An entity table for storing the entities' basic information
B. One or more tables to store the entities' associated pieces of information
C. A two-column cross-link table to associate attribute values with a corresponding entity
D. Foreign keys on each relevant table to connect relevant pieces of information at the database level
E. An attribute table that defines what data (and of what type) may be stored on a particular entity
When you register an event observer, which two of the following pieces of information are required for it to function?
A. Method (or function) name
B. Method (or function) arguments
C. Class name
D. Object type (singleton, model, none, etc.)
E. Call order
F. Active/inactive status
Which of the following node names may be used inside the setup resource declaration to utilize a custom setup class?
A. resourceModel
B. resourceClass
C. setupClass
D. class
Which two public methods must be implemented in a functional custom shipping method directly extending Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Abstract and also implementing Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Interface? (Choose two)
A. collectRates()
B. getAllowedMethods()
C. isTrackingAvailable()
D. isFixed()
E. getConfigData()
F. checkAvailableShipCountries()
Which two of the following will return an instance of a block object? (Choose two)
A. Mage::getBlock('page/html_header');
B. Mage::app()->createBlock('page/html_header');
C. Mage::createBlock('page/html_header');
D. Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock('page/html_header');
E. Mage::getLayout()->createBlock('page/html_header');
F. Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock('page/html_header')->setTemplate('page/html/header=phtml');