You want to define a list of quote object attributes that are copied to the order object when an order is placed.
Which one of the following statements is true?
A. You can define this list by modifying the list of elements found in the configuration with the xpath global/fieldsets/sales_convert_quote.
B. You can define this list by modifying the list of elements found in the configuration with the xpath global/sales/quote/item/product_attributes.
C. You can define this list by checking the checkbox on the attribute edit page in the admin.
D. You cannot modify the list of fields copied from quote to order because the process is hardcoded.
Which three of the following object types will have a parent class found in the Mage_Eav module for the purposes of EAV data storage in Magento? (Choose three)
A. data model
B. data helper
C. resource model
D. resource collection
E. setup class
Which of the following methods will force an EAV resource collection model to include an attribute in its result set?
A. addAttributeToSelect ($attribute);
B. getResource ( ) ->addAttribute($attribute);
C. addFieldToSelect ($attribute);
D. getSelect ( )->from ( ' ', $attribute);
E. addAttributeToCollection ($attribute);
Which of the following allows you to save a single attribute value on an EAV entity?
A. $model->saveAttribute($attributeCode);
B. $model->save ($attributeCode);
C. $model->getResource ( ) ->saveAttribute ($model, $attributeCode);
D. $model->getResource ( ) ->save($model, $attributeCode);
How many items will be added to the quote after adding a configurable product to the shopping cart?
A. the number of options
B. the number of options+1
C. always 1
D. always 2
Which object never encapsulates any shopping cart items?
A. Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart
B. Mage_Sales_Model_Quote
C. Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address
D. Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address
What must be done to allow a third-party system to access the Magento API?
A. Run a login call with username/password, and use the returned session_id for every request.
B. Get a token previously generated in Magento admin.
C. Run an authenticate call with username/password; the call will set up a session automatically.
D. Register the remote IP address in the api/allowed_ips/ [system name] node.
E. Use a secure certificate, with public/private keys, and get a private key installed inside Magento.
Which file path correctly identifies the location of a modules install/upgrade scripts inside the primary module directory?
A. sql/
B. var/scripts/
C. scripts/
Which of the following API protocols does native Magento support?
B. XmlRpc
D. Open Social
E. XQuery
Which of the following will return an instance of a resource model? (Choose three)
A. Mage::getResourceModel ('customer/customer');
B. Mage::getResourceSingleton ('customer/customer');
C. Mage::getModel ('customer/customer') ->getResource ( );
D. Mage::getResourceModel ('customer/customer')->getInstance ( );
E. Mage::getModel ('customer/customer') ->getResourceModel ( );
F. Mage::getResourceModel ('customer/customer') ->getResource( );