The session manager will wait for a specified amount of time for amount request to be confirmed /
cancelled. This is called the parameter.
A. Mount Delay.
B. Mount script.
C. Mount Prompt.
D. Mount Deferral.
Data Protector Media agents and disk agents use memory buffers.
This memory is divided into a number of buffer areas. One for each disk agent,
depending on the device concurrency.
By default, each buffer area consists of disk agent buffers.
A. 4
B. 8
C. 16
D. 24
Disk discovery would be used in the backup type definition with .
A. CD mounted files systems.
B. Several removable volumes.
C. Small disks that are frequently mounted and unmounted.
D. NFS mount points that are periodically mounted and unmounted.
Directory ---1 File-1 Directory ---2 File -2 . If File 1 and File 2 are deleted and a restore is performed selecting the contents of Directory 1 for restore, what will be restored?
A. File -1 .
B. File - 1, File - 2.
C. File - 1, Directory - 2, File - 2.
D. Directory -1, File -1 , Directory - 2 File - 2.
A. Mirror is NOT in pair status.
B. Pair is left split after the backup.
C. Pair is 100% synchronized after backup.
D. Mirror is reattached to the primary disk after the backup.
A. Disk-> Device
B. Disk -> Memory of Destination System -> Device
C. Disk -V Source Device -> Network -> Memory of Destination System -> Device
D. Disk -> Memory of Source System -> Network -> Memory of Destination System -> Device