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GRE-TEST Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Carbon dating of charcoal gathered from a Nok iron smelter at Intime. Nigeria, suggests that iron technology was established there by 410 B.C. This may not be the oldest smelter in sub-Saharan Africa, however. Archaeologists have located evidence of iron-smelting in the Termite Hills of Niger from as early as 1400 B.C.. but skeptics say the wood used for that dating could have already been centuries old when burned as fuel--a problem that dogs carbon dating, especially in arid places like Niger, where wood desiccates and lasts longer. Of course, the same problem could distort dates for the Intime furnace as well, but here there is an important piece of corroborating evidence: Nok pottery found inside the furnace alongside the charcoal.

The author implies which of the following about the "Nok pottery found inside the furnace"?

A. It provides independent support for the results of the carbon dating of the charcoal.

B. It was probably imported to Intini from a less arid climate.

C. It predates the pottery found in the Termit Mills of Niger.

D. It indicates that the furnace was used primarily for purposes other than smelting.

E. It contains traces of iron smelted in the same furnace.

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Questions 5

Recent research has identified_________bats' navigational tool, echolocation: smooth, vertical surfaces

such as the metal or glass plates on buildings can trick a bat into thinking it is flying in open air.

A. an explanation for

B. a limitation of

C. a principle of

D. a symptom of

E. a deficiency in

F. a component of

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Questions 6

Sensationalism--the purveyance of emotionally charged content. focused mainly on violent crime, to a broad public--has often been decried, but the full history of the phenomenon has yet to be written. Scholars have tended to dismiss sensationalism as unworthy of serious study, based on two pervasive though somewhat incompatible assumptions: first, that sensationalism is essentially a commercial product, built on the exploitation of modern mass media, and second, that it appeals almost entirely to a simple, basic emotion and thus has little history apart from the changing technological means of spreading it. An exploration of sensationalism's early history, however, challenges both assumptions and suggests that they have tended to obscure the complexity and historicity of the genre.

In the context in which it appears, "charged" most nearly means A. electrified

B. accused

C. attacked

D. fraught

E. admonished

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Questions 7

The snow-covered surface of the lake presents a reassuring illusion of________. but beneath the snow the ice is riven with treacherous cracks.

A. uniformity

B. isolation

C. seclusion

D. protection

E. substantiality

F. soundness

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Questions 8

The importance of the Bill of Rights in twentieth-century United States law and politics has led some historians to search for the "original meaning" of its most controversial clauses. This approach. known as "originalism." presumes that each right codified in the Bill of Rights had au independent history that can be studied in isolation from the histories of other rights, and its proponents ask how formulations of the Bill of Rights in 1791 reflected developments in specific areas of legal thinking at that time. Legal and constitutional historians, for example, have found originalism especially useful in the study of provisions of the Bill of Rights that were innovative by eighteenth-century standards, such as the Fourth Amendment's broadly termed protection against "unreasonable searches and seizures." Recent calls in the legal and political arena for a return to a "jurisprudence of original intention." however, have made it a matter of much more than purely scholarly interest when originalists insist that a clause's true meaning was fixed at the moment of its adoption, or maintain that only those rights explicitly mentioned in the United States Constitution deserve constitutional recognition and protection. These two claims seemingly lend support to the notion that an interpreter must apply fixed definitions of a fixed number of rights to contemporary issues, for the claims imply that the central problem of rights in the Revolutionary era was to precisely identity, enumerate, and define those rights that Americans felt were crucial to protecting their liberty.

Both claims, however, are questionable from the perspective of a strictly historical inquiry, however sensible they may seem from the vantage point of contemporary jurisprudence. Even though originalists are correct in claiming that the search for original meaning is inherently historical, historians would not normally seek.

The passage suggests that a historian conducting a strictly historical inquiry would make which of the following assumptions when studying the Bill of Rights?

A. The framers of the Bill of Rights sought to define each right in strict and narrow terms.

B. The results of historical inquiry into the true meaning of its clauses must be applied to contemporary issues.

C. Developments in thinking about individual rights ended after the codification of those rights.

D. It is possible to determine why a particular clause was included in the Bill of Rights.

E. Legistators of the Revolutionary era were preoccupied with defining and enumerating those rights that were crucial to individual liberty.

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Questions 9

All applicants for a certain job will take a skills test. An applicant who scores 80 percent or greater on the test has a probability of 0.65 of being hired.

A. Quantity A is greater.

B. Quantity B is greater.

C. The two quantities are equal.

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

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Questions 10


A. Quantity A is greater.

B. Quantity B is greater.

C. The two quantities are equal.

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

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Questions 11

For each item, a manager calculates the ratio of the manufacturing cost to the manufacturing time. Which of the following is closest to the value of the greatest of these eleven ratios, in dollars per minute?

A. 2.5

B. 3.5

C. 4.0

D. 4.5

E. 5.0

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Questions 12

The three children in the Alden family contributed 30 percent of the amount budgeted for savings. The oldest child contributed SI50 more than the youngest child, and the middle child contributed $60 more than the youngest child. What was the median of the amounts that the children contributed to savings ?

A. $230

B. $270

C. $290

D. $300

E. $380

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Questions 13


A. Quantity A is greater.

B. Quantity B is greater.

C. The two quantities are equal.

D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

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Exam Code: GRE-TEST
Exam Name: Graduate Record Examination Test: Verbal, Quantitative, Analytical Writing
Last Update: Oct 17, 2024
Questions: 403
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





