Given that mylist = [1,3,2,1,4,5,3] how do you remove all occurrences of the number 1 from the list in Python?
A. mylist=[x for x in mylist if x! = 1]
B. mylist.remove(l, mylist.count(1))
C. mylist.replace(1,"")
D. mylist. remove(1)
What does the attacker do in a SQL Injection attack?
A. Obtains an administrative login for a SQL database server
B. Finds and exploits CVSS-SIG vulnerabilities in a particular version of SQL database
C. Inject information into an SQL server via an undocumented administrative interface
D. Submits a string that is interpreted as a SQL database command
After calling a subprocess in a Python program, the program returns an error code of "0". What does this indicate?
A. The subprocess did not run
B. The subprocess terminated with no errors
C. The subprocess entered an infinite loop condition
D. The subprocess encountered a race condition
Which of the following is the final output when is executed with a Python Interpreter?
A. 15
B. 5
C. 10
D. SyntaxError: invalid syntax
What is the output of the following line of code typed into a Python interactive session? >>>print (8 <<1)
A. False
B. 16
C. SyntaxError: invalid syntax
D. True
What is the output of the following line of code typed into a Python interactive session?
A. NameError: name 'some_func' is not defined
B. 5
C. 5+10
D. 15
What is the output of the following command typed in Python interactive mode?
A. SyntaxError: invalid syntax
B. True
C. False
Review the following code:
What is the output of this code?
A. blue
B. red blue
C. red blue yellow
D. red
A gif file has the following attributes:
Extension: .gif
Magic value for start of file: \x47\x49\x46
Magic value for end of file: \x3b
A small data file called "raw_data" contains one gif.
Which of the following statements is most likely to successfully extract the file?
A. reiindall(r\-\gif,raw_data)[0]
B. re.match(r'('.gif )"',raw_data).group(1)
D. re.findall(r'\x47\x49\x46.-\x3b,,raw_data,re.DOTALL)[0]
What is the output of the following line of code typed into a Python interactive session?
>>> print (~100)
A. ~100
B. -101
C. 100