In the dashboard Image below, what is the red square indicatng?
A. The task is Complete
B. The task is not complete but not late or at risk
C. The task is a Milestone and is pending
D. The task is late
You can group Projects into Programs by:
A. creatng the Program frst and then creatng the Projects in that Program
B. create the Projects frst and then create the Program to add the Projects
C. the order of creatng Projects and Programs are not important
D. you cannot add Projects to Programs
Programs are used to:
A. group Projects of similar nature
B. track the status of any Project on the same dashboard
C. view the status of the tasks
D. control the Project visibility
To create a new Project that is similar to a current actve project, you should...?
A. copy an existng project
B. create a new project
C. import a project from an existng fle
D. create a Project from an existng project template
If you select the Metrics Icon on the below dashboard, what happens?
A. Data that has been generated will be displayed in a series of graphs
B. A Financial line graph will be displayed that will show actual costs of the program
C. A Bar chart will be displayed with the Actual and Estmated costs
D. A Pie chart will be displayed indicatng the Cost Rato breakdown
When creatng a Route, if Approve is selected in the Acton feld, the task assignee must:
A. choose an approval status only
B. enter a comment only
C. mark the task complete only
D. enter a comment and choose an approval status
What happens when a member rejects a route task?
A. The route stops
B. The owner is notfed
C. The owner can resume the route
D. All of these happen
A Route is...?
A. A set of tasks specifcally defned for a group of people
B. It is a view that helps in project tracking and shows the status of selected projects
C. It is a document or an object added to a task to help its completon
D. It is a hierarchy of tasks
When you promote a project to the Assign state, what happens to the WBS tasks?
A. They are automatcally promoted to the Assign state
B. They are unchanged
C. They are assigned to the Actve state
D. They are ready to be manually promoted
In additon to tasks dependencies, how can you specify a delay between tasks?
A. with Slack Time in days or hours
B. with Start Delay tme in days or hours
C. with Start-to-Start tme in hours
D. None of these