The Reserved Capacity for a Storage Resource Pool (SRP) on a VMAX3 has been set to 15%. A TimeFinder SnapVX snapshot has been created for a Storage Group containing 10 devices. An application is actively performing read and write
I/Os to these devices. Allocation for the SRP reaches 85%.
What will happen to the snapshot?
A. Snapshot will fail
B. Snapshot deltas will be allocated from the Reserved Capacity
C. Snapshot will persist but new snapshot deltas cannot be created
D. Snapshot will terminate
When navigating Unisphere for VMAX 8.0, which menu can be used to manage volumes?
A. Storage
B. Hosts
C. System Dashboard
D. System Settings
In Unisphere for VMAX, what is the minimum Storage System role required to view Security Settings?
A. Auditor
B. StorageAdmin
C. SecurityAdmin
D. Monitor
A storage administrator wants to provision storage to hosts connected to a VMAX3. Their environment consists exclusively of VMware ESXi which they manage using the VMware vCenter Web Client. Which additional plug-in is needed to manage the VMAX3 storage from this Web Client?
When selecting an available service level objective, which SLO emulates 15K RPM performance?
A. Gold
B. Diamond
C. Platinum
D. Silver
Which Unisphere for VMAX view shows all the components of a Masking View?
A. Masking View > Connections
B. Masking View > Details
C. System Dashboard
D. Storage Groups Dashboard
Which Unisphere for VMAX feature helps determine if a storage provisioning request can be met by the VMAX3 array with regards to SLO compliance?
A. Suitability Check
B. Headroom
C. FAST Array Advisor
D. Sizer
Which I/O module is used by VMAX3 eNAS systems to facilitate backup to tape?
A. 2-port 10GbE BaseT
B. 2-port 10GbE Optical
C. 4-port 8 Gb FC
D. 4-port 16 Gb FC
What is the maximum Reserved Capacity percentage that can be set for a VMAX All Flash Storage Resource Pool?
A. 10
B. 20
C. 80
D. 90