You customize a control, select Control from the Type Def. Status pull-down menu, and save the control as a .ctl file. You then use an instance of the custom control on your front panel window. If you open the .ctl file and modify the control, does the control on the front panel window change?
A. Yes
B. No
Which of the following will cause an event to be captured by the LabVIEW Event Structure?
A. Changing a value on a Front Panel control via a mouse click
B. Update of a Front Panel control using a property node
C. Programmatic update of a Front Panel control via a control reference
D. Using VI Server to update a Front Panel control
Which of the following statements is true about the iteration terminal
A. It returns the number of times the loop has executed
B. It returns the number of times the loop has executed, plus one
C. It returns the number of times the loop has executed, minus one
D. It returns a constant number
What is the result in new string after the following code has executed?
A. Hello to you!
B. Hello Wto you!
C. Hello to you!!
D. Helloto you!
Which of the following allows you to plot any set of points, evenly distributed or not?
A. Waveform Graph
B. Waveform Chart
C. XY Graph
D. Both A. and C.
The Wait function can be added to While Loops:
A. To free up available memory.
B. To allocate memory used by the CPU.
C. To allow the processor time to complete other tasks.
D. To reserve which processor the code is running on.
Which combination of words correctly completes the following statement?
Unlike__________, which display only the most recent array of values written to them, ___________ update periodically and maintain a history of the past data.
A. graphs; charts
B. charts; plots
C. plots; graphs
D. charts; graphs
Which of the following statements regarding the index of Arrays are NOT true?
A. The index is used to access a particular element of an Array.
B. The index ranges from 1 to n.
C. A 2-D Array has both a column index and a row index.
D. The index ranges from 0 to n-1.
Which of the following cannot be used to transfer data?
A. Local variables
B. Queues
C. Semaphores
D. Notifiers
The SubVI is opened and then run three times.
What is the value of Sum when the VI completes execution?
A. Indeterminate
B. 15
C. 5
D. 10