Review the following query to determine if it is compliant:
Dr. Jones, this patient had a sodium level of 126 on admission and was started on a 0.9% saline IV. Can you indicate what condition is being treated?
Chronic kidney disease (indicate stage)
Other (please specify)
A. Yes, query is compliant as it offers the minimum number of multiple-choice answers ..
B. No, query is noncompliant as it does not provide the option of "unable to determine".
C. No, query is noncompliant as one of the multiple-choice options is clinically irrelevant.
D. Yes, query is compliant as it provides clinical indicators and several options for response.
A query should include
A. information from previous encounters
B. the impact on quality
C. the impact of reimbursement
D. relevant clinical indicators
Which of these medical conditions would a clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) expect to be treated with Levophed?
A. Septic shock
B. Acute respiratory failure
C. Multiple sclerosis
D. Acute kidney failure
A clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) in an acute care hospital was asked to create new query templates for ICD-10 based on AHIMA and ACDIS guidelines. What should the multiple-choice query format include?
A. Clinically insignificant options
B. Impact on reimbursement
C. Clinically unsupported diagnosis
D. Clinically significant options
A clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) must determine the present on admission (POA) status of a stage IV sacral decubitus ulcer documented in the discharge summary. What is the first step that should be taken?
A. Look for wound care documentation
B. Read the nursing admission notes
C. Query the attending provider
D. Review the history and physical
A key physician approaches the director of the coding department about the new emphasis associated with clinical documentation integrity (CDI). The physician does not support the program and believes the initiative will encourage inappropriate billing.
How should the director respond to the concerns?
A. Develop an administrative panel to oversee CDI process
B. Refer the physician to the finance department to discuss required billing changes
C. Involve the physician advisor/champion in addressing the medical staff's concerns
D. Inform the physician that changes must be made
Given the following ICD-10-CM Alphabetical Index entry:
Ectopic (pregnancy) 008.9
What is the meaning of the parenthesis?
A. Exclusion notes
B. Non-essential modifiers
C. Essential modifiers
D. Inclusion notes
A 27-year-old male patient presents to the emergency room with crampy, right lower quadrant abdominal pain, a low-grade fever (101?Fahrenheit) and vomiting. The patient also has a history of type I diabetes mellitus. A complete blood count reveals mild leukocytosis (13,000/microliter). Abdominal ultrasound is ordered, and the patient is admitted for laparoscopic surgery. The patient is given an injection of neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin, in order to normalize the blood sugar level prior to surgery. Upon discharge, the attending physician documents "right lower quadrant abdominal pain due to possible acute appendicitis or probable Meckel diverticulitis".
What is the proper sequencing of the principal and secondary diagnoses?
A. Right lower quadrant abdominal pain, acute appendicitis, Meckel diverticulitis, fever, vomiting, leukocytosis
B. Right lower quadrant abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, leukocytosis
C. Acute appendicitis, Meckel diverticulitis, type I diabetes mellitus
D. Acute appendicitis, right lower quadrant abdominal pain, type I diabetes mellitus
When a change in departmental workflow is necessary, the first step is to
A. define the gaps and solutions
B. set realistic timelines
C. re-engineer the process
D. assess the current workflow
Which of the following is an appropriate first step to address physicians with low query response rates?
A. An educational session between the clinical documentation integrity practitioner (CDIP) and physician
B. The medical staff review the physician's noncompliance to consider sanctions
C. The physician receives a suspension until query responses are improved
D. A meeting between the physician advisor/champion and the noncompliant physician