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CBEST-SECTION-2 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Poet William Blake believed that true religion is revealed through art, not through nature. For Blake, it is through art also that eternity is revealed. One does not have to die to reach eternity; eternity is the moment of vision. It is only through the

reordering of sense impressions by the creative imagination that we are able, as Blake says in his "Auguries of Innocence," "To see the World in a Grain of Sand / . . .And Eternity in an hour."

On the basis of above passage please answer the following question.

Which of the following defines Blake's view of "nature" as described in the passage?

A. the raw stuff of which the world is made but which does not represent ultimate reality

B. the work of God in a state of innocence before it is corrupted by human beings

C. the world made up of base and corrupt material before it is changed by the perception of the artist at the "moment of vision"

D. the temporal world that will perish, as opposed to the world of artistic vision that will last forever

E. the real world as it is perceived by ordinary people, as opposed to the fantasy world of the artist

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Questions 5

Ever since human beings began their conscious sojourn on this planet, they have puzzled over the riddle of evil and debated its source. Two concepts have predominated in the debate. The first of these holds that evil is an active force, a force of darkness as substantial and powerful as that of light. In terms of the individual human being, this force might be seen as the "Shadow" side of the personality, the feared side that the individual may deny but that is still a real and integral part of her or him. The second of the two concepts holds that evil is essentially ___________, the absence of good, that darkness is not a thing in itself but rather the absence of light. In terms of the individual human being, this doctrine says that evil arises from a lack, a deprivation, from what John A. Sanford calls "a mutilation of the soul." On the basis of above passage please answer the following question. Which of the following, according to the passage, does an individual sometimes use to deal with the "Shadow" side of his or her personality?

A. scorn

B. love

C. acceptance

D. denial

E. projection

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Questions 6

Cuttlefish are intriguing little animals. The cuttlefish resembles a rather large squid and is, like the octopus, a member of the order of cephalopods. Although they are not considered the most highly evolved of the cephalopods, they are

extremely intelligent. While observing them, it is hard to tell who is doing the observing, you or the cuttlefish, especially since the eye of the cuttlefish is very similar in structure to the human eye. Cuttlefish are also highly mobile and fast


They come equipped with a small jet located just below the tentacles that can expel water to help them move. Ribbons of flexible fin on each side of the body allow cuttlefish to hover, move, stop, and start.

______________________________ ____________________. The cuttlefish is sometimes referred to as the

"chameleon of the sea" because it can change its skin color and pattern instantaneously. Masters of camouflage, they can blend into any environment for protection, but they are also capable of the most imaginative displays of iridescent,

brilliant color and intricate designs, which scientists believe they use to communicate with each other and for mating displays. However, judging from the riot of ornaments and hues cuttlefish produce, it is hard not to believe they paint

themselves so beautifully just for the sheer joy of it.At the very least, cuttlefish conversation must be the most sparkling in all the sea.

On the basis of above passage please answer the following question

Which of the following sentences, if inserted into the blank line, would best sum up the first paragraph and lead into the next?

A. The cuttlefish can be cooked and eaten like its less tender relatives, the squid and octopus, but must still be tenderized before cooking in order not to be exceedingly chewy.

B. On a scuba dive when you’re observing cuttlefish, it is best to move slowly because cuttlefish have excellent eyesight and will probably see you first.

C. Cuttlefish do not have an exoskeleton; instead, their skin is covered with chromataphors.

D. The cuttlefish has ten arms, two of which are specialized feeders and its mouth is beak-like; this enables it to capture crustaceans with its powerful arms and crack shells with its strong mouth.

E. By far their most intriguing characteristic is their ability to change their body color and pattern.

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Questions 7

Electronic mail (e-mail) has been in widespread use for more than a decade. E-mail simplifies the flow of ideas, connects people from distant offices, eliminates the need for meetings, and often boosts productivity. But e-mail should be carefully managed to avoid unclear and inappropriate communication. E-mail messages should be concise and limited to one topic. When complex issues need to be addressed, phone calls are still best. On the basis of above passage please answer the following question The paragraph best supports the statement that e-mail

A. is not always the easiest way to connect people from distant offices.

B. has changed considerably since it first began a decade ago.

C. causes people to be unproductive when it is used incorrectly.

D. is most effective when it is wisely managed.

E. should be used mainly for unimportant messages.

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Questions 8

More and more office workers telecommute from offices in their own homes. The upside of telecommuting is both greater productivity and greater flexibility.

Telecommuters produce, on average, 20% more than if they were to work in an office, and their flexible schedule allows them to balance both their family and work responsibilities.

On the basis of above passage please answer the following question

The paragraph best supports the statement that telecommuters

A. have more family responsibilities than workers who travel to the office.

B. get more work done in a given time period than workers who travel to the office.

C. produce a better quality work product than workers who travel to the office.

D. are more flexible in their personal lives than workers who travel to the office.

E. would do 20% more work if they were to work in an office.

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Questions 9

Keeping busy at important tasks is much more motivating than having too little to do. Todays employees are not afraid of responsibility. Most people are willing to take on extra responsibility in order to have more variety on their jobs. And,

along with more responsibility should come the authority to carry out some important tasks independently.

On the basis of above passage please answer the following question

The paragraph best supports the statement that

A. variety on the job helps increase employee motivation.

B. employees like responsibility more than authority.

C. to avoid boredom, many people do more work than their jobs require of them.

D. today's employees are demanding more independence than ever before.

E. office jobs in the past have carried little responsibility.

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Questions 10

A government report addressing concerns about the many implications of prenatal and newborn genetic testing outlined policy guidelines and legislative recommendations intended to avoid involuntary and ineffective testing and to protect confidentiality. The report recommended that all such screening be voluntary. Citing results of two different voluntary newborn screening programs, the report said these programs can achieve compliance rates equal to or better than those of mandatory programs. State health departments might be wise to eventually mandate the offering of tests for diagnosing treatable conditions in newborns; however, careful pilot studies for conditions diagnosable at birth need to be done first. Although the report asserted that it would prefer that all screening be voluntary, it did note that if a state elects to mandate newborn screening for a particular condition, the state should do so only if there is strong evidence that a newborn would benefit from effective treatment at the earliest possible age.Newborn screening is the most common type of genetic screening today. More than four million newborns are tested annually so that effective treatment can be started in a few hundred infants. Obtaining informed consenta process that would include educating participants, not just processing documentswould enhance voluntary participation. When offered testing, parents should receive comprehensive counseling, which should be nondirective. Relevant medical advice, however, is recommended for treatable or preventable conditions. On the basis of above passage please answer the following question Based on the passage, for which of the following would the government report LEAST likely recommend mandated genetic testing?

A. contagious diseases

B. untreatable conditions

C. fatal diseases

D. disabling diseases

E. carrier diseases

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Questions 11

OConnell Street is the main thoroughfare of Dublin City. Although it is not a particularly long street, Dubliners will tell the visitor proudly that it is the widest street in all of Europe. This claim usually meets with protests, especially from French tourists, claiming the Champs Elysees of Paris as Europes widest street. But the witty Dubliner will not relinquish bragging rights easily and will trump the French visitor with a fine distinction: the Champs Elysees is a boulevard; OConnell is a street. Divided by several important monuments running the length of its center, the street is named for Daniel OConnell, an Irish patriot. _______________ ____________________________.OConnell stands high above the unhurried crowds of shoppers, business people, and students on a sturdy column, surrounded by four serene angels seated at each corner of the monuments base. Further up the street is the famous General Post Office that the locals affectionately call "the GPO." During the 1916 rebellion, the GPO was taken over and occupied by the Irish rebels to British rule, sparking weeks of armed combat in the citys center. To this day, the angels of OConnells monument bear the marks of the fighting: one sits reading calmly, apparently unaware of the bullet hole dimpling her upper arm; another, reaching out to stroke the ears of a huge bronze Irish wolfhound, has survived what should be a mortal wound to her heart. On the basis of above passage please answer the following question Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. Dublin's Famous Monuments

B. The Irish Take Pride in Their Capital City

C. The Widest Street in Europe

D. Sights and History on Dublin's O’Connell Street

E. Tourism in Dublin

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Questions 12

OConnell Street is the main thoroughfare of Dublin City. Although it is not a particularly long street, Dubliners will tell the visitor proudly that it is the widest street in all of Europe. This claim usually meets with protests, especially from French tourists, claiming the Champs Elysees of Paris as Europes widest street. But the witty Dubliner will not relinquish bragging rights easily and will trump the French visitor with a fine distinction: the Champs Elysees is a boulevard; OConnell is a street. Divided by several important monuments running the length of its center, the street is named for Daniel OConnell, an Irish patriot. _______________ ____________________________.OConnell stands high above the unhurried crowds of shoppers, business people, and students on a sturdy column, surrounded by four serene angels seated at each corner of the monuments base. Further up the street is the famous General Post Office that the locals affectionately call "the GPO." During the 1916 rebellion, the GPO was taken over and occupied by the Irish rebels to British rule, sparking weeks of armed combat in the citys center. To this day, the angels of OConnells monument bear the marks of the fighting: one sits reading calmly, apparently unaware of the bullet hole dimpling her upper arm; another, reaching out to stroke the ears of a huge bronze Irish wolfhound, has survived what should be a mortal wound to her heart. On the basis of above passage please answer the following question With which of the following statements about the people of Dublin would the author of the passage most likely agree?

A. They are proud of their history but lack industry.

B. They are playful and tricky.

C. They are rebellious and do not like tourists.

D. They are witty and relaxed.

E. They are unaware of their history.

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Questions 13

By using tiny probes as neural prostheses, scientists may be able to restore nerve function in quadriplegics and make the blind see or the deaf hear. Thanks to advanced techniques, a single, small, implanted probe can stimulate individual neurons electrically or chemically and then record responses. Preliminary results suggest that the microprobe telemetry systems can be permanently implanted and replace damaged or missing nerves. The tissue-compatible microprobes represent an advance over the typical aluminum wire electrodes used in studies of the cortex and other brain structures. Researchers accumulate much data using traditional electrodes, but there is a question of how much damage they cause to the nervous system. Microprobes, which are about as thin as a human hair, cause minimal damage and disruption of neurons when inserted into the brain. In addition to recording nervous system impulses, the microprobes have minuscule channels that open the way for delivery of drugs, cellular growth factors, neurotransmitters, and other neuroactive compounds to a single neuron or to groups of neurons. Also, patients who lack certain biochemicals could receive doses via prostheses. The probes can have up to four channels, each with its own recording/stimulating electrode. On the basis of above passage please answer the following question The initial function of microprobe channels is to

A. create pathways.

B. disrupt neurons.

C. replace ribbon cables.

D. study the brain.

E. induce sight and hearing in the blind and deaf.

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Exam Name: California Basic Educational Skills Test - Reading
Last Update: Mar 03, 2025
Questions: 100
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