Which of the following methods is called in an Activity when another activity gets into the foreground?
A. onStop()
B. onPause()
C. onDestroy()
D. onExit()
In which Activity life-cycle method you should do all of your normal static set up such as: creating views and bind data to lists?
A. onResume()
B. onStart()
C. onCreate()
D. onPause()
Which of the following Android View sub-classes uses the WebKit rendering engine to display web pages?
A. PageView
B. WebView
C. MapView
D. HttpClient
Which of the following are primary pieces of information that are required to define in an implicit Intent?
A. An action to be performed and data to operate on.
B. An action to be performed and a category for additional information.
C. A Bundle for extra data.
D. A category of additional information and data to operate on.
How to enable JavaScript in WebView?
A. myWebView.setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
B. myWebView.getJavaScriptSettings.setEnabled(true);
C. myWebView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
D. Java script is always enabled in WebView
Which of the following sets the entire Activity window as a WebView?
A. WebView webview = new WebView(this);webview.setAsWindow;
B. setContentView(R.layout.webview);
C. WebView webview = new WebView(this);setContentView(webview);
D. setContentView("http://www.androidatc.com");
Which Which of the following does NOT correctly describe interface android.widget.Adapter?
A. It is an object that acts as a bridge between a View and underlying data for that view.
B. It provides access to the data items.
C. It provides access to deprecated ListView methods.
D. It is responsible for making a View for each item in the data set.
Fill in the blank space in the following sentence with the correct choice: The following image shows the content of an AndroidManifest.xml file of an Android app. The role of adding the attributes "androidricon" and "android:roundlcon" is.........................
A. Set an app icon image on a phone, on any smart device, or in Google play store.
B. Snow the app icon in Android Studio title bar only.
C. Show the app icon in Android Studio emulator only.
D. Show this icon if this app is installed on IPhone devices only.
Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application development.
A. False
B. True
Fill in the blank space in the following sentence with the correct choice: The..................... to arranges widgets in positions relative each other.
A. RelativeLayout
B. Table Layout
C. Linear Layout
D. ConstraintLayout