Which of the following is the high-availability service level that is specified in the ApsaraDB RDS Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
A. 90%
B. 99%
C. 99.5%
D. 99.99%
When a backup file of core sensitive data is downloaded, business systems must be protected against data breaches. Which of the following capabilities must be enabled to ensure data security?
A. Virtual private cloud (VPC)
B. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption
C. Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
D. SOL audit
Which of the following are features supported by Alibaba Cloud RDS for MySQL? (The number of Answer: 3)
A. Read-Write Splitting -> https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/docdetail/96047.htm?spm=a2c63.p38356.b99.57.500dc3c6Kt0QLs
B. Local Snapshot Backup-> Snapshot Backup is Cloud disk instance. Cross-region backup is Local disk instance.
C. Computing nodes and Storage totally seperated-> In the Basic Edition, your database system consists of only one primary RDS instance, and computing is separated from storage. This edition is cost-effective. https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/docdetail/48980.html?spm=a2c5t.11065259.1996646101.searchclickresult.75a932dfvCBnlt
D. Multi-Zone Deployment ->You can select the Single-zone Deployment or Multizone Development method. https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/docdetail/26092.htm?spm=a2c63.p38356.b99.18.118b4437l50tDl
From which of the following data sources or databases can Data Lake Analytics (DLA) read data for analysis? (Number of correct answers: 6)
B. Oracle
D. MongoDB
E. AnolyticDB
Which of the following are relational databases? (Number of correct answers: 5)
A. Oracle
C. PostgreSQL
D. MongoDB
E. MariaDB
F. Redis
H. HBase
I. SQL Server
Which of the following statements is NOT correct about PolarDB?
A. ApsaraDB for PolarDB is a cloud-native relational database service that is compatible with the MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle engines
B. Each ApsaraDB for PolarDB cluster supports up to 100 TB of storage space and can handle up to one million queries per second (QPS)
C. ApsaraDB for PolarDB can scale clusters within a few minutes, recover from failures within a few seconds, and guarantee data consistency
D. An ApsaraDB for PolarDB cluster can also be scaled out to a maximum of 16 nodes, and provide up to 6 times of performance improvement traditional MySQL clusters at a 30% to 50% cost reduction
E. ApsaraDB for PolarDB is designed to handle large amounts of sequential queries
Which of the following are database architectures which have emerged during the evolution of database systems? (Number of correct answers: 3)
A. Single Instance
B. Shared Nothing
C. Shared Everything
D. Dedicated
Which of the following tasks cannot be completed by using Advanced Database and Application Migration (ADAM)?
A. De-Oracle workload evaluation
B. Data structure conversion
C. Data migration
D. Performance monitoring
Which database utility is used for data migration and synchronization?
Which of the following features is provided by Data Management (DMS)?
A. Integrates data across multiple data sources
B. Backs up multiple types of databases
C. Evaluates the database migration project
D. Enables online database management, such as data query, database and table management, and permission management