Which program generates the PROC MEANS report below?
A. proc means data=sashelp.class nodec; class Age; run;
B. proc means data=sashelp. class; group Age; run;
C. proc means data=sashelp. class; by Age; run;
D. proc means data=sashelp. class maxdec=0; var Age; run;
Which program correctly subnets the SASHELP. BASEBALL data set to include only the players in the East Division with 75 or more hits?
A. data bball; set sashelp.baseball; whete Division and nHits run;
B. data bball; sot sashelp.baseball; where Division -- 'East; where nHits >= 75; run;
C. data bball; set sashelp.baseball; where Division = * East; or nHits .= 75;
D. data bball; set sashelp.basaball; whero Division -- 'Eas run,
Given the input data set INVENTORY as shown below:
Two output data sets are desired, CHIPS and OTHERSNACKS.
The CHIPS data set should only include QtySold, Price, and Product.
The OTHERSNACKS data set should include QtySold, Price, product, and Type. Which Data step creates the two desired output data sets
data chips othersnacks; set: inventory; if Type="chips" then do; keep QtySold Price Product; output chips; end; else output othersnacks; run;
data chips ( keep=QtySold Price Product) othersnacks; set inventory; if Type="chipa" then output chips; else output otharsnacks; run;
data chips otharsnacks; set inventory; if Type="chips" then output chips else output otharsnacks; keep QtySold Price Product; run;
data chips othersnack" set inventory (keep=QtySold Price Product); if Typo~"chips" then output chips; else output othersnacks; run;
The data set Snacks contains three variables (productName, Flavor, and Price). Given the program shown below:
What is the type and length of SnackType?
A. Numeric, 8
B. Character, 7
C. Character, 8
D. Character, 5
Given the data sets AMERICIAN NATIONAL and results in the data set BASEBALL shown below: AMERICAN
Which DATA step correctly creates the BASEBALL data set?
A. data baseball; set american (rename=(Team=TeamName)) national; run;
B. data baseball; set american national; run;
C. data baseball; set American (rename=(TeamName=Team)) national; run;
D. data baseball; set national American; run;
Which SAS format displays a SAS date as 25JUN2019?
A. ddMMMyy9.
B. Date9.
C. Ddmmmyyyy9.
D. Dmy9.
Which statement is true regarding a variable?
A. A character variable can contain alphabetic characters, numeric digits, and other special characters.
B. A numeric value must be specified in single or double quotes.
C. A character value cannot exceed 200 bytes.
D. A numeric variable can contain digits, decimal point, minus sign, currency symbol, and E for scientific notation.
Which statement is true about the SUM statement?
A. The SUM statement includes an equal sign.
B. Multiple accumulating variables can be created with one SUM statement.
C. The SUM statement ignores missing values.
D. By default, the accumulating variable is initialized to 1.
Which iterative DO statement is invalid?
A. Do 100 to 1200 by 100;
B. Do num = 1.1 to 1.9 by 0.1;
C. Do year = 2000 to 2016 by 2;
D. Do reverse = 10 to 1 by -1;