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701-100 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Which configuration option in the Ansible inventory is issued control privilege escalation of the remote user?

A. priv_user

B. elevate

C. super

D. become

E. sudo

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Questions 5

Which of the following mechanisms are used for service discovery in a container environment? (Choose two correct answers.)

A. The container platform offers a command like docker service discover which should be run within a container.

B. The container platform sets environment variables containing service information within the containers.

C. The container platform lists localhost ports assigned to containers in each container's /etc/services file.

D. The container platform mounts the sockets for all available services into the container's file systems.

E. The container platforms maintains DNS records which point to containers offering a specific service.

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Questions 6

Consider the following Kubernetes Deployment:

With the ReplicaSet:

And the Pods:

What happens if one of the Pods is terminated with the command kubect1 pod delete?

A. The remaining Pods are stopped and the Deployment switches to the state Failed.

B. The number of replicas in the ReplicaSet is changed to 4.

C. The ReplicaSet immediately starts a new replacement Pod.

D. The remaining Pods are stopped and a new ReplicaSet is started.

E. The Deployment switches to the state Degraded.

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Questions 7

Which of the following statements describes the principal concept behind test driven development?

A. Tests may not be written by the same development team that wrote the tested code.

B. All tests are generated automatically from the tested source code.

C. Tests are written before the function / method is implemented.

D. The only acceptable reason to write a test is to prevent fixed bugs from occurring again.

E. Instead of testing software automatically, manual tests are performed and logged daily.

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Questions 8

An online shop needs to store information about clients and orders. A list of fixed properties for clients and orders exists. The data storage should enforce specific data types on these properties and ensure that each order is associated with an existing client.

Which of the following cloud services is capable of fulfilling these requirements?

A. An in-memory database like memcached.

B. An object store like OpenStack Swift.

C. A messaging service like OpenStack Zaqar.

D. A NoSQL database like MongoDB.

E. A relational database like MariaDB.

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Questions 9

Which property of a Kubernetes Deployment specifies the number of instances to create for a specific Pod? (Specify ONLY the option name, no matter of its location in the object hierarchy)

A. The property you are looking for is replicas. This is a field directly under the Deployment object and specifies the number of Pod replicas that should be maintained by the Deployment.

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Questions 10

A docker swarm contains the following node: Whic of the nodes should be configured as DOCKER_HOST in order to run services on the swarm? (Specify ONLY the HOSTNAME of one of the potential target nodes)

A. In a Docker Swarm, you need to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable on the manager node in order to run services on that node. In your example, node "node-1" is the manager node (with a * symbol) and its status is "Ready" and "active", and it is also the "Leader". Therefore, you should set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable on node "node-1". To set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable, you can use the following command (assuming that you are using a bash shell): export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://node-1:2375 This will set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable, causing Docker commands to default to connecting to port 2375 on node "node-1". Please note that you can also add the above command to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file to automatically set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable whenever a new bash shell is opened. It should be noted that if your Docker Swarm uses a different network mode (e.g., overlay network), then you may need to specify a different network mode and port in the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. The specific situation depends on your Docker Swarm configuration.

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Questions 11

Which of the following benefits are realized by using immutable servers? (Choose TWO correct answers)

A. Immutable servers are flexible in how they are configured during their deployment.

B. Immutable servers are not connected to a nerwork and cannot be attacked remotely.

C. Immutacle servers are usable right after they are started without further configuration.

D. Immutable servers bundle all components required for an application and never need external services.

E. Immutable servers ensure production servers are identical staging servers.

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Questions 12

What is the default URL Prometheus tries to retrieve from a target when gathering monitoring information? (Specify the Full URL, without any host name or scheme)

A. The default URL that Prometheus tries to retrieve when gathering monitoring information depends on the specific target and the configuration of Prometheus at that time. Prometheus's default behavior is to try to retrieve a scrape target's metrics data from a pre-defined location. For example, if you are monitoring a target that exposes its metrics data on port 8080 of the local network interface, the default URL retrieved by Prometheus would be http://localhost:8080/metrics. However, if the target's metrics data is not on the local interface but rather on another IP address or domain, the URL would change accordingly. Prometheus's default behavior can be modified through configuration files or command-line flags. Therefore, the specific default URL depends on the specific configuration of Prometheus.

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Questions 13

The following output is generated by git branch:

development mater production staging

How can all changes from the development branch be integrated into the staging branch?

A. git stash development

B. git merge development

C. git branch --merge development

D. git merge delopment..staging

E. git cp --merge development

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Exam Code: 701-100
Exam Name: DevOps Tools Engineer - Exam 701 - version 1.0
Last Update: Mar 19, 2025
Questions: 120
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





