Which of the following management tools performs the function of virtual infrastructure manager (VIM) in the CPC NFV architecture?
A. NetAct
B. CloudBand Infrastructure Software (CBIS)
C. Operations Support System (OSS)
D. Network Service Platform (NSP)
Which of the following describes the 2N model for VM redundancy?
A. There is one active VM and one standby VM that takes over if the active VM fails.
B. Thera are N active VMs and a pool of standby VMs that can take over if one or more active VMs fail.
C. There are N active VMs, each one paired with a standby VM that takes over if its active VM fails.
D. There are 2N active VMs deployed to support a service that needs N active VMs, with extra capacity in case one or more VMs fail.
Which of the following OpenStack projects provides networking services to VMs?
A. Neutron
B. Nova
C. Keystone
D. Horizon
Which of the following statements regarding CMM intra-VNF redundancy is FALSE?
A. CPPS VMs operate in N+ redundancy model
B. IPDS VMs operate in N+ redundancy model
C. DBS VMs operate in 2N redundancy model
D. NECC VMs operate in 1+1 with quorum redundancy model
Which of the following statements about CMG VNF scaling is TRUE?
A. OAM-VM can be scaled out in steps of a single VM for CMG LB mode deployment
B. LB-VM can be scaled out is steps of a single VM for CMG LB-less mode deployment
C. MG-VM can be scaled out is steps of an MG-VM pair for CMG LB mode deployment
D. LB-VM and MG-VM must be scaled simultaneously to achieve a successful CMG deployment
Which of the following statements about networks used by CMG is FALSE?
A. A management network used for CMG management
B. Data switch fabric is used to carry signaling messages between LB-VMs and OAM-VMs
C. Control switch fabric is used to carry inter-VM control messaging
D. External networks are used to carry both control plane and user plane traffic
Which of the following about CMG configuration management is FALSE?
A. CMG can be configured using CLI commands
B. CMG can be configured using SNMP interfaces
C. CloudBand Infrastructure Software (CBIS) is used for CMG out-of-band management
D. CMG OAM-VM provides system configuration, system assurance, and alarm management
Which of the following statements about 5G deployment option 3 is FALSE?
A. Core network may be EPC or next-generation core
B. There is a data plane interface between eNB and EPC
C. eNB has both control plane and data plane connections to the core
D. There is an X2 interface between eNB and gNB
Which of the following statements regarding CMM scaling is FALSE?
A. PAPS VMs can scale in and scale out in steps of a single VM.
B. CPPS VMs and DBS VMs can scale independently.
C. DBS VMs can scale out in steps of a single VM.
D. IPPS VMs can scale out in steps of a single VM.
Which of the following is correct about CMM system overall health check?
A. The "fns_monitor" command is only available at the NECC VM.
B. The "cmm_monitor" command is used to run the complete set of health checks for a specific CMM VM.
C. The "cmm_monitor" command can be manually executed on any CMM VM.
D. The "fns_monitor" and "cmm_monitor" commands require superuser privilege.