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1Z0-419 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Which statement describes the Oracle implementation of model-view-controller (MVC)? (Choose the best answer.)

A. Oracle ADF provides a "pure" implementation of MVC. with the model layer handling page navigation and encapsulating business logic.

B. ADF Controller provides support for application tasks such as validation, state management, security, and business-process orchestration.

C. ADF bindings provide a layer of abstraction on top of the business services to enable the view and controller layers to work with different implementation

D. JSF Controller is the best choice for ADF Faces-based web applications because it enables you to break up an application's page flow into re-usable fli

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Questions 5

Your page contains the following code that is invoked on an action by the current user;

To receive the value from the to property of the afsetPropertyListener, you create a managed bean as


package view;

public class Employee { String lastName;

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What EL expression would you write in the af setPropertyListener "to" property to write the value to the lastName string of the Employee class? (Choose the best answer.)

A. to="#{lastName}"

B. B.to="#{LastNamer

C. C.to="#{pageFlowScope.emp.lastName):

D. to^frfpageFlowScopeEmplastName}"

E. to="#{emp.lastName}e

F. to="#{pageFlowScope emp LastName}"

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Questions 6

you access a page in your auh application mat reters to Dinaings caning auh business components.

Which statement is true at run time about the ADF Business Component application module? (Choose the best answer.)

A. An application module is automatically instantiated (or each user session and allocated to that user for the life of their session.

B. The programmer must instantiate an application module in a JSF managed bean and carry the application module for the life of the user session.

C. One application module bean is instantiated and shared by all user sessions.

D. An application module instance is checked out of the application module pool and given to the user session for at least that request, or longer depending

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Questions 7

You create a new ADF Faces page called emp.jspx and bind some data controls to that page. You notice a file called empPageDef.xml. What is this file for? (Choose best Answer)

A. it is the page definition that contains the XML representation of the page layout and the components on that page.

B. it is a template file into which you can write any managed bean code.

C. it js the page template definition file that represents the chosen quick start layout.

D. it is the file that contains the definition of the bindings to your data-bound components.

E. it defines the binding context for all pages in your application.

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Questions 8

Which statement is true about the difference between an Action binding and a methodAction binding? (Choose the best answer.)

A. None; they are used interchangeably.

B. An Action binding is a binding to a method defined in the business service exposed through a data control, whereas a methodAction binding is used to bin

C. Both are bindings to methods defined in a business service, but an Action binding is used to bind to a Ul component whereas a methodAction binding is 01

D. Both are bindings to methods defined in a business service, but a methodAction binding is used to bind to a Ul control whereas an Action binding is only a

E. Action bindings are used to bind to built-in operations such as Create, Delete and Next, whereas a methodAction binding is used to bind to custom methoc

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Questions 9

When creating a bounded task flow that uses ADF Business Components, which two steps do you need to perform to enable the task flow to manage its own transaction"? (Choose two.)

A. Define transaction properties at the task-flow level

B. Include a phaseUstener in a managed bean with methods for commit and rollback

C. Add the application module commit and rollback operations as buttons or links on the last JSF page of the flow

D. Define task flow return activities in the flow and associate "End transaction" attribute values with them

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Questions 10

Which option is not supported by an af:table component? (Choose the best answer)

A. turning off filtering for specific columns

B. grouping two columns under a single title

C. expandable area for each row

D. nested af:table for each row

E. automatically switching a row to edit when the user clicks a row

F. multiple row selection

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Questions 11

What should be in a managed bean, rather than a backing bean? (Choose the best answer.)

A. code that manipulates the color of a text field on a JSF page

B. data that is used to decide if a field is shown as mandatory or not

C. data that is used on another page in the task flow

D. code that opens a pop-up in the page

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Questions 12

Consider the following code:

At run time, a user modifies the value in the af:inputText control, then presses afcommandButton

Assuming no errors are raised, which option represents the managed bean code invoked in the correct

order1? (Choose the best answer.)

A. myBean handleChange, myBean doAction, myBean.qetDestination

B. myBean.doAction, myBean handleChange, myBean.getDestination

C. myBean.handleChange, myBean.doAction

D. myBean.doAction, myBean.handleChange

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Questions 13

Which code sample is the recommended way to override the createQ method in Employeeslmpl, an implementation of oracle.jbo.serverEntitylrnpl for the Employee?

A. protected void create(AttributeList attributeList) { SetAttributelnternal (SALARY, 0); super.create (attributeList); }

B. protected void create(AttributeList attributeList) { super create(attnbuteList), setAttributelntemalC'SALARY", 0);]

C. protected void create(AttributeList attributeList) { super create(attributeList); setSalary(O); }

D. protected void create(Attributel_ist attributeList) { setSalary(O);}

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Exam Code: 1Z0-419
Exam Name: Implementation Application Development Framework
Last Update: Mar 08, 2025
Questions: 99
10%OFF Coupon Code: SAVE10





