User feedback can be evaluated in many ways. Which of the following methods is more quantitative than direct user feedback, and will provide indirect feedback from the majority of users who do not respond?
A. User surveys
B. Site server logs
C. Online e-mail links
D. Opt-in bulk mail services
Which of the following Web site characteristics demonstrates the ability to present information dynamically from a knowledge base?
A. Interactivity
B. Static layout
C. Dynamic HTML
D. Database integration
Your new customer, Chattawa, is the education coordinator for Bluelake County Schools. He has asked you to design a Web site to teach school personnel in aboriginal issues. He presents you with a report about current concerns that aboriginal children's learning styles are not being addressed in the school system. He suggests that you reproduce the report online and add aboriginal art in the margins. Whose perspective should you take as you design the site?
A. Your perspective
B. The site user's perspective
C. The school administration's perspective
D. The education coordinator's perspective
Which Web development team member is responsible for developing a site's navigation?
A. Web programmer
B. Graphics designer
C. Information architect
D. Information Technology (IT) professional
You are a member of a Web development team exploring design issues. Which of the following items should you consider first when designing a new site?
A. Site map
B. Navigational elements
C. Information organization
D. Page layout and structure
George is developing an intranet site for his company. How can he establish consistency for the structure and layout of all the pages, but leave decisions about the content of each page to the individual departments?
A. Use style guides.
B. Use inline frames.
C. Create a site map.
D. Create a site template.
Processes that take client input, perform functions on the Web server and then return content to the Web browser are known as:
A. scripting languages.
B. client-side technologies.
C. server-side technologies.
D. hyperthreading technologies.
You have created an animation using a commercial software package. You decide that you want the animation sequence to play faster without frame loss. The frame delay rate is set to 30 (30/100 second). In order to increase the speed of the sequence, you should:
A. decrease the rate to less than 30.
B. increase the rate to more than 30.
C. insert additional frames in the animation.
D. decrease the number of frames in the animation.
It is often suggested that a Web design team hire a professional editor. What advantage does the contribution of the editor bring to the site design process?
A. The editor brings cultural perspectives to the process.
B. The editor sets the tone, making style guides unnecessary.
C. The editor is responsible for the accuracy of the information.
D. The editor ensures that the site is consistent in tone and content.