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1D0-437 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Which statement will print the capital attribute of the $kansas object?

A. print ("capital"=>$kansas);

B. print {$kansas}=>(capital);

C. print (capital)<={$kansas};

D. print $kansas->{"capital"};

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Questions 5

Consider the following code:

$_ = "New York";

@array2 = split(//);

What is the value of $array2[0] after the code is executed?

A. ""

B. "N e w"

C. "NewYork"

D. "N"

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Questions 6

Running your Perl scripts with a w switch will perform which task?

A. Print all commands to the screen

B. Print warnings to the error.log file

C. Print check points in loops

D. Print warnings to the screen

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Questions 7

Consider the following program code:

@array = ("Y", "W", "X");

@array = sort(@array);

unshift(@array, "Z");


What is the output of this code?

A. W

B. X

C. Y

D. Z

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Questions 8

Which of the following correctly creates a SQL statement that will insert the values of the $name and $age variables into a database? The statement is assigned to the $sqlStmt variable. Assume a CHAR data type for $name and an INT data type for $age.

A. $sqlStmt = q{INSERT INTO aTable (NAME, AGE) VALUES ($name, $age)};

B. $sqlStmt = q{INSERT INTO aTable (NAME, AGE) VALUES ($name\, $age)};

C. $sqlStmt = qq{INSERT INTO aTable (NAME, AGE) VALUES ($name, $age)};

D. $sqlStmt = qq{INSERT INTO aTable (NAME, AGE) VALUES (\$name\, $age)};

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Questions 9

Consider the following command:

perl runme.pl arg1 arg2 arg3

Given this command issued on the command line, what is the value of $#ARGV?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

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Questions 10

Consider the following program code: if ("cool" =~ m/[cool]{4}/) { print("True "); } else { print("False "); } if ("cool" =~ m/[col]{4}/) { print("True "); } else { print("False "); } What is the output of this code?

A. False False

B. False True

C. True False

D. True True

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Questions 11

Which of the following choices demonstrates the correct syntax for creating a hash?

A. %passwds = ("denise", "robert", "yolanda") => ("pass1", "pass2", "pass3");

B. %passwds() = ("denise", "pass1", "robert", "pass2", "yolanda", "pass3");

C. %passwds = (denise=> "pass1", robert=> "pass2", yolanda=> "pass3");

D. %passwds{3} = ("denise", "robert", "yolanda") => ("pass1", "pass2", "pass3");

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Questions 12

The filehandle INPUT is associated with the file represented by $file. Which statement will close the filehandle INPUT?

A. close (INPUT, $file);

B. closeINPUT;

C. INPUT(close, $file);

D. close(INPUT);

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Questions 13

Consider the following code:

@cities = qw( Pittsburgh Atlanta Nashville Boston ); $city = join (":", @cities);

What is the value of $city after the code is executed?

A. PittsburghAtlantaNashvilleBoston

B. Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Nashville, Boston

C. Pittsburgh:Atlanta:Nashville:Boston

D. Pittsburgh Atlanta Nashville Boston

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Exam Code: 1D0-437
Last Update: Dec 15, 2024
Questions: 149
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