Which command shows all shared libraries required by a binary executable or another shared library? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.)
In Bash, inserting 1>and2 after a command redirects
A. standard error to standard input.
B. standard input to standard error.
C. standard output to standard error.
D. standard error to standard output.
E. standard output to standard input.
Which of the following commands will send output from the program myapp to both standard output (stdout) and the file file1.log?
A. cat < myapp | cat > file1.log
B. myapp 0>and1 | cat > file1.log
C. myapp | cat > file1.log
D. myapp | tee file1.log
E. tee myapp file1.log
Which of the following shell redirections will write standard output and standard error output to a file named filename?
A. 2>and1 >filename
B. >filename 2>and1
C. 1>and2>filename
D. >>filename
E. 1and2>filename
Which of the following Linux filesystems preallocates a fixed number of inodes at the filesystem's make/creation time and does NOT generate them as needed? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. ext3
C. ext2
E. procfs
How is a symbolic link called bar.conf pointing to foo.conf created?
A. ln foo.conf bar.conf
B. ln foo.conf bar.conf
C. ln bar.conf foo.conf
D. ln bar.conffoo.conf
What does the command mount --bind do?
A. It makes the contents of one directory available in another directory
B. It mounts all available filesystems to the current directory
C. It mounts all user mountable filesystems to the user's home directory
D. It mounts all file systems listed in /etc/fstab which have the option userbind set
E. It permanently mounts a regular file to a directory
What is contained on the EFI System Partition?
A. The Linux root file system
B. The first stage boot loader
C. The default swap space file
D. The Linux default shell binaries
E. The user home directories
Which of the following commands changes all CR-LF line breaks in the text file userlist.txt to Linux standard LF line breaks and stores the result in newlist.txt?
A. tr `\r' < userlist.txt > newlist.txt
B. tr `\n\r' `'
C. tr `\r\n' `'
D. tr `\r' `\n' userlist.txt newlist.txt
E. tr `/^M/^J/' userlist.txt newlist.txt