Which of the following actions involving termination of exercise testing is correct?
A. Immediately terminate the test if muscular fatigue occurs.
B. Initiate the test termination process when cardiac complications occur.
C. Initiate the test termination process when intermittent premature ventricular contractions are detected on ECG.
D. Immediately terminate the test when intermittent premature ventricular contractions are detected on ECG.
The treatment modality RICES includes all of the following EXCEPT
A. Covering.
B. Ice.
C. Stabilization.
D. Rest.
Which of the following is NOT considered to be an absolute contraindication to exercise testing?
A. Unstable angina
B. Psychosis.
C. Suspected myocarditis.
D. Moderate valvular heart disease.
Which of the following are symptoms of hypoglycemia?
A. Hypotension.
B. Cold, clammy skin.
C. Tachycardia and slurred speech.
D. Bronchospasms and hyperventilation.
What are some of the risks for musculoskeletal injury?
A. Poor Signage in the facility.
B. Extrinsic factors ?intensity, terrain, equipment.
C. Intrinsic factors-frequency, attitude, ender.
D. Membership type
Which of the following would most appropriately assess a previously sedentary, 40-year- old female client's muscular strength?
A. Using a 30-pound (18-kg) barbell to perform biceps curls to fatigue.
B. Holding a handgrip dynamometer at 15 pounds (7 kg) to fatigue.
C. Performing modified curl-ups to fatigue.
D. U sing a 5-pound (2.2-kg) dumbbell to perform multiple sets of biceps curls to fatigue.
Which of the following is a FALSE statement regarding informed consent?
A. Informed consent is not a legal document.
B. Informed consent does not provide legal immunity to a facility or individual in the event of injury to a client.
C. Negligence, improper test administration, inadequate personnel qualifications, and insufficient safety procedures are all items expressly covered by the informed consent.
D. Informed consent does not relieve the facility or individual of the responsibility to do everything possible to ensure the safety of the client.
The definition of cardiorespiratory fitness is
A. The maximal force that a muscle or muscle group can generate in a single effort.
B. The coordinated capacity of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, and tissue metabolic systems to take in, deliver, and use oxygen.
C. The ability to sustain a held maximal force or to continue repeated sub maximal contractions.
D. The functional ROM about a joint.
What is the best test to help determine ejection fraction at rest and during exercise?
A. Angiography.
B. Thallium stress test.
C. Single-proton emission computer tomography.
D. MUGA (blood pool imagery) study.
Lead V1 is located at the
A. Fifth intercostal space, left sternal border.
B. Midclavicular line, fourth intercostal space.
C. Fourth intercostal space, right sternal border.
D. Midclavicular line, lateral to the xiphoid process.